1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
//! A generic mechanism for representing people and associated data.
//! We have a set of people indexed by [`PersonId`] and then each person
//! can have an arbitrary number of person properties
//! [`PersonProperty`], which are values keyed by a type. Person
//! properties are defined with a macro ([`define_person_property!()`]
//! or [`define_person_property_with_default!()`])
//! # Initializing Person Properties
//! Person properties can have their initial values set in several ways:
//! * An initial value can be provided at person creation time in
//! [`Context::add_person()`].
//! * The property can have a default value (provided when the
//! property is defined.)
//! * The property can have an initializer function (provided when
//! the property is defined) that is called lazily when the
//! property is first accessed.
//! If neither a default or an initializer is provided, then you
//! must provide an initial value for each person on person
//! creation. Failure to do so will generally cause failure of
//! [`Context::add_person()`].
//! # Setting Person Properties
//! Properties can also have their values changed with [`Context::set_person_property()`].
//! If the property is not initialized yet, this will implicitly call the
//! initializer (or set the default) and then reset the value.
//! # Derived Properties
//! It is also possible to have a "derived property" whose value is
//! computed based on a set of other properties. When a derived
//! property is defined, you must supply a function that takes the
//! values for those dependencies and computes the current value
//! of the property. Note that this function cannot access the context
//! directly and therefore cannot read any other properties. It also
//! should have a consistent result for any set of inputs, because
//! it may be called multiple times with those inputs, depending
//! on the program structure.
//! # Change Events
//! Whenever a person property `E` has potentially changed, either
//! because it was set directly or because it is a derived property
//! and one of its dependencies changed, a
//! [`PersonPropertyChangeEvent<E>`] will be emitted. Note that Ixa does
//! not currently check that the new value is actually different from the old value,
//! so calling [`Context::set_person_property()`] will always emit an event.
//! Initialization is not considered a change, but [`Context::set_person_property()`]
//! on a lazily initialized event will emit an event for the change from
//! the initialized value to the new value.
//! # Querying
//! Person properties provides an interface to query for people matching
//! a given set of properties. The basic syntax is to supply a set of
//! (property, value) pairs, like so `query_people(((Age, 30), (Gender, Female)))`.
//! Note that these need to be wrapped in an extra set of parentheses
//! to make them a single tuple to pass to [`Context::query_people()`]. Queries implement
//! strict equality, so if you want a fancier predicate you need to implement
//! a derived property that computes it and then query over the derived property.
//! The internals of query are deliberately opaque in that Ixa may or
//! may not ordinarily choose to create caches or indexes for
//! queries. However, you force an index to be created for a single
//! property by using [`Context::index_property()`].
mod context_extension;
mod data;
mod event;
pub(crate) mod external_api;
mod index;
pub(crate) mod methods;
mod property;
mod query;
pub use query::{Query, QueryAnd};
use crate::{context::Context, define_data_plugin};
pub use context_extension::ContextPeopleExt;
use data::PeopleData;
pub use data::PersonPropertyHolder;
pub use event::{PersonCreatedEvent, PersonPropertyChangeEvent};
pub use property::{
define_derived_property, define_person_property, define_person_property_with_default,
use crate::{HashMap, HashMapExt, HashSet, HashSetExt};
use seq_macro::seq;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter};
use std::{any::TypeId, hash::Hash};
PeopleData {
is_initializing: false,
current_population: 0,
methods: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
properties_map: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
registered_derived_properties: RefCell::new(HashSet::new()),
dependency_map: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
property_indexes: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
people_types: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
/// Represents a unique person.
// the id refers to that person's index in the range 0 to population
// - 1 in the PeopleData container.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PersonId(pub(crate) usize);
impl Display for PersonId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.0)
impl Debug for PersonId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Person {}", self.0)
/// A trait that contains the initialization values for a
/// new person. Do not use this directly, but instead use
/// the tuple syntax.
pub trait InitializationList {
fn has_property(&self, t: TypeId) -> bool;
fn set_properties(&self, context: &mut Context, person_id: PersonId);
// Implement the query version with 0 and 1 parameters
impl InitializationList for () {
fn has_property(&self, _: TypeId) -> bool {
fn set_properties(&self, _context: &mut Context, _person_id: PersonId) {}
impl<T1: PersonProperty + 'static> InitializationList for (T1, T1::Value) {
fn has_property(&self, t: TypeId) -> bool {
t == TypeId::of::<T1>()
fn set_properties(&self, context: &mut Context, person_id: PersonId) {
context.set_person_property(person_id, T1::get_instance(), self.1);
// Implement the versions with 1..20 parameters.
macro_rules! impl_initialization_list {
($ct:expr) => {
seq!(N in 0..$ct {
T~N : PersonProperty + 'static,
> InitializationList for (
(T~N, T~N::Value),
fn has_property(&self, t: TypeId) -> bool {
if t == TypeId::of::<T~N>() { return true; }
return false
fn set_properties(&self, context: &mut Context, person_id: PersonId) {
context.set_person_property(person_id, T~N::get_instance(), self.N.1 );
seq!(Z in 1..20 {