
Module log

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The log module defines an interface to Ixa’s internal logging facilities. Logging messages about internal behavior of Ixa. This is not to be confused with reporting, which is model-level concept for Ixa users to record data about running models.

Model authors can nonetheless use Ixa’s logging facilities to output messages. This module (re)exports the five logging macros: error!, warn!, info!, debug! and trace! where error! represents the highest-priority log messages and trace! the lowest. To emit a log message, simply use one of these macros in your code:

use ixa::{info};

pub fn do_a_thing() {
    info!("A thing is being done.");

Logging is disabled by default. Logging messages can be enabled by passing the command line option --log-level <level>. Log messages can also be controlled programmatically. Logging can be enabled/disabled from code using the functions:

  • enable_logging(): turns on all log messages
  • disable_logging(): turns off all log messages
  • set_log_level(level: LevelFilter): enables only log messages with priority at least level

In addition, per-module filtering of messages can be configured using set_module_filter() / set_module_filters() and remove_module_filter():

use ixa::log::{set_module_filter, remove_module_filter, set_module_filters, LevelFilter,
enable_logging, set_log_level};

pub fn setup_logging() {
    // Enable `info` log messages globally.
    // Disable Ixa's internal logging messages.
    set_module_filter("ixa", LevelFilter::Off);
    // Enable all log messages for the `transmission_manager` module.
    set_module_filter("transmission_manager", LevelFilter::Trace);


  • Logs a message at the debug level.
  • Logs a message at the error level.
  • Logs a message at the info level.
  • Logs a message at the trace level.
  • Logs a message at the warn level.


  • An enum representing the available verbosity level filters of the logger.


  • Disables logging completely. Equivalent to set_log_level(LevelFilter::Off).
  • Enables the logger with no global level filter / full logging. Equivalent to set_log_level(LevelFilter::Trace).
  • Removes a module-specific level filter for the given module path. The global level filter will apply to the module.
  • Sets the global log level. A global filter level of LevelFilter::Off disables logging.
  • Sets a level filter for the given module path.
  • Sets the level filters for a set of modules according to the provided map. Use this instead of set_module_filter() to set filters in bulk.